Qigong foundation.​
This page offers videos covering two of the practices we teach. This is followed by a detailed covering of the course content with the booking details at the bottom of the page.​
The first video covers body tapping and the second self pressure point therapy.
​​​​​Course content.
Our course covers four main practices ideally practiced in the order presented as follows. However, each of the practices can be practiced separately as long as the body is awake and warmed up by a brisk walk first.
At the minimum a period of at least one month is needed for this course, longer if there are health related issues that require attention or if a student is very unfit or suffering a serious Qi imbalance. However we do allow drop in visits for people to try before committing to longer, more serious study.
Body tapping Qigong.
This practice systematically stimulates and balances the nervous system, clears the meridians, discharges sick and toxic Qi, reboots organ energy, clears the mind and frees us of unwanted psychic links while boosting the immune system and energy.
A simple practice, which takes about twenty minutes, is our first practice of the day and is a complete practice in itself.
Taoist bodywork.
This is our second routine. often a version of this is used by Tai Chi schools as a warm up practice as it is very effective in opening up the joints, conditioning the body, increasing range of movement and generally toning up the body and entire system. Mainly it turns on the Chi engine while opening up the energy pathways.
However, we explore the more extended and advanced version, which is quite simple to start and goes into more advanced layers.
Easy to learn and one can do a short session including all the movements to power up for the day or set oneself up for a good night out or get ready for activities. Also, taking more time, just a few times a week, this will develop the body, clear stale Chi or moods and leave you feeling the benefits of a good solid, all encompassing workout. We slowly build up to this point.
This practice has far reaching benefits and produces a very strong and agile body with limitless reserves of energy as the continual movements generate Qi.
This routine is very versatile and includes many variations to each part that are introduced as the student progresses. It has much to offer and provides instant results and strength gains. A strong body creates a strong mind and abundant Qi.
Over time this practice has astounding benefits for the treatment of skeletal and joint injuries. Reconditioning connective tissue, re-aligning bones and freeing up range of movement in the joints.
Standing Qigong.
The five dynamics. Root, center, balance, expansion and contraction are engaged and developed through the practice of a few standing postures starting with a few dynamic and finishing with a still pose.
This will change your life. This, like all practices covered in our course can be done as a stand alone practice, no pun intended.
Standing is the pinnacle of Qigong practices with all other practices either building the student towards this or imbuing internal skill important to this.
Seated Qigong.
This utilizes 5 postures starting with a still pose followed by four dynamic hand patterns. This concentrates and circulates Qi while stilling the mind and completely relaxing and recharging the system with Yin Qi.
Seated practices are the doorway to deeper Taoist meditations and the rejuvenation of energy.​​​
Starting dates and cost.
You can start anytime. We cover the same routines daily and add details as we progress.
There are many stunning places in nature very close to Siem Reap where we do most of our classes.
Ideally a month is the minimum period required for the best results and to learn and memorize the material covered. It is possible to cover this in less time tho.
The course costs.
USD 800 a month or USD 200 a week.
We allow three sample classes before deciding on committing, cost USD 25 each.
We reduce the price over time.
We also offer regular discounts of up to 35%. Click Here.
Benefits of Qigong.
This practice produces astounding results very fast and builds up strength and stamina for life. Qigong is exceptionally good for improving mood and mental health and has been subjected to research in the treatment of illness. The practices are very easy to learn too and have been tested scientifically.