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Yoga course in Siem Reap.


Yoga is a state of union with our higher or cosmic self. This state may be reached many ways.


Shamanism, music or plant medicine will do this but the practices commonly referred to as Yoga are a scientific path with a pedigree of thousands of years of history.


There are many paths, suitable for people of differing dispositions. The course we offer is suitable for all people of reasonable health and fitness regardless if you are experienced or not you will be enrichened and equipped with valuable tools to make the most out of this gift called life.


Our courses are non dogmatic, down to earth and open to people of all religions. We offer a daily class of a few hours allowing time for rest and assimilation allowing also free time to explore the environ.


It is very important not to do too much practice as this will over stimulate the system making it difficult to relax.


Booking, dates and costs.


Contact us through the form below at the bottom of this page. We start courses at the beginning of each month and a course lasts a month with the option for follow up and long term study after.


The fee for the first month is USD 1000.00 with subsequent months much cheaper.


We do not provide rooms but are very happy to help people find places to stay before they arrive.


Course curriculum.


Principles of Vinyasa.


Using breath to initiate movement. This is what defines the practice of Asana and this dynamic can be incorporated into other types of movement too. Vinyasa is not a style of Yoga but rather an internal dynamic that is the core of all transitions  and all movements. Vinyasa is key to realizing the benefits of Asana practice.


Sun Salutations.


As a principle practice Sun Salutations are a complete system and an ideal practice ground for linking postures and learning flow. Sun Salutations are very versatile and have many variations. This is where we learn to embed Vinyasa into our practice and besides being a learning tool for beginners Sun Salutations are great for advanced practice. Starting with half Salutations this practice can include all standing postures too.


Standing postures and various transitions.


Standing postures are our primary tool used to open up and develop the body. This allows us to develop strength and openness safely. One must balance strength and flexibility or risk injuries related to hyper mobility with no stabilizing strength. Standing postures develop concentration and mental stability.


Balancing postures.


Balancing postures are later integrated into dynamic linked standing sequences. Balancing postures develop concentration and mental strength and the ability to remain focused and relax into gravity and provide excellent grounding.


Seated postures.


Seated postures are a secondary training and are preparation for and the postures needed for meditation and advanced breathing practices. This sequence steadies the mind and body and allows us to journey inwards without distractions. Seated postures require specific sequencing in order to provide the best results.


Foundation training for inversions.


Inversions can be very rewarding to practice but there are risks involved that sometimes outweigh the benefits. Inversions are a third stage practice and need to be practiced correctly to prevent injuries and deformations to the skeleton. We teach half bridge and half shoulder stand and what the ideal conditions for practice are.


Meditation and energy work.


Meditation and energy gathering techniques that are safe and that provide real results. Non dogmatic, these techniques develop concentration and the ability to relax and remain calm under stressful conditions. How to recharge your life force and understand what it is. Role of Chakras and how to keep them balanced.


Development of the nervous system.


Central and peripheral nervous systems includes training of the eyes and the ability to enhance sensory awareness and to enjoy clarity of perceptions.


Energy work with partners.


Take your relationships into another dimension and engage with more depth and spiritual intimacy, discover deeper layers in one self and others. We are energetic beings in a material world, a fact easy to lose sight of.


Mantra foundation.


Mantras and chanting have long been an integral part of Yogic practices, learn seed mantras to clear and balance the body and Buddhist mantras to remove negative influences. Experience the power of sound as a life transforming tool.


Sequencing an Asana practice.


This must be done with intelligence and an understanding of what the Asanas are for. Just mixing up Asanas for the sake of filling an hour long class is not ideal. Each person has a different temperament and requirements. Asanas are sequenced for a reason in order to gain full benefits from the practice.


Asana adjustments and corrections.


Learn to help your practice friends to optimize their practice and prevent possible injury that can result from incorrect alignment. Learn through sharing knowledge. This is what we do for student teachers and we offer this with this course too as it helps us to re examine what we know when we need to share this with others and it enriches friendship. Proper adjustments prevent injury and take the practice to another level.


Safe practice and injury prevention.


There are many reasons why classic yoga follows certain rules regarding the progression of Asana practice, mostly these are related to safe practice and injury prevention. Many people have suffered terrible injuries from the incorrect practice of Yoga. While some of the problems are skeletal other problems arise from premature energy work or excessive energy work before the system is ready. Yogic practices follow a prescribed path and have for thousands of years to prevent such problems. Today unqualified teachers are introducing practices that are harmful and misunderstood causing misery for their students.

Karma Yoga.


Learning to live in accordance with the laws of Karma can improve our lives in ways we cannot yet perceive and elevate our perceptions to new spiritual vistas. Karma is the most important element in life and Yoga.


Understanding and accepting our karma is an important first step on the path of liberation from suffering.


A respect for all life is essential. Karma Yoga is NOT working for free at some Yoga studio but rather a sometimes painful self examination followed by a determined and committed change to ones life style.


Who or what owns your mind? Live in truth.


There are many facets to Yoga besides postures and our course provides an insight into all of these.

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